Inspire Health


Important: Changes To Our Opening Times

We are closed on Monday 6th May 2024.

If you require medical advice whilst we are closed, please contact NHS111 using either the online service or by calling 111.

We will be open again from 8am on Tuesday 7th May 2024.

Please ensure you have enough medication to cover this period.

Thank you, Inspire Health

Important: Urgent Message

There is an issue with the main door at Hasland Medical Centre.

We are working to have it repaired as quickly as possible. 

In th mean time, if you need any assistance, please use the intercom next to the main door


Thank you for you patience, Inspire Health 

Patient Charter

Inspire Health - Patient Charter


 Inspire Health - Statistics 

Inspire Health Leaflet

 Inspire Health - Practice Leaflet


Covid-19 Vaccinations


Flu Vaccinations

Test Results

Test Results

a group of people sitting at a table using a laptop

NHS Friends and Family

a person looking at a map

Medical Services Near Me


Our Practice Team


NHS 111 Service

Click here to go directly to the online 111 Service


Our Mission Statement: 

At Inspire Health, we pride ourselves in delivering high quality clinical and holistic care with a patient centred approach.

We welcome patients from diverse backgrounds and offer a safe place for all.

(We welcome patients from all backgrounds, including those that may be considered diverse or from under represented groups)

We strive for staff growth and development whilst always promoting staff (full team) morale and well-being.

We offer modernised facilities with up-to-date technology.

We work closely (in partnership) with other NHS, Community and voluntary services including our PPG.